Sunday, October 9, 2011

First week on the clock

It's been an interesting week, for sure.  I've had an ESL writer, a grad student, and two APA papers.  None of which are particularly in my comfort zone.  Sooo, they had mixed results, but overall it was a successful first week.

I'm still thinking about the ESL appointment.  It didn't go so well, because I ended up at cross-purposes with the writer but I didn't know what else to do.  He came in wanting help on how to expand the ideas in his paper, of which he had 3 out of 6 pages written with the rough draft due that day.  I started reading it, and immediately realized that he had a lot of grammar issues.  Sentences without verbs, run-ons, etc, that worked together to make a paper that was incredibly hard to follow.  So, I found myself working on that sentence-level stuff that was so overwhelming.  But what he wanted help with was expanding his ideas.  We did talk about that at the end, but I could tell that he was frustrated on how much of the session we spent re-writing nearly every sentence. We both walked away from that appointment frustrated, but I don't know what else I should have done...

Other than that, my consultations this week went really well.  I had a grad student come in with a literature review for a 500 level Health Science class.  My experience with lit reviews amounts to proofreading one my mom wrote once.  So, all I really knew about them is that it's somewhere between a research paper and an annotated bibliography (I think!).  I asked her to explain the assignment to me, and then we started in on her paper.  I found myself pleasantly surprised by how much I could help when both the type of writing and the subject matter were so far over my head.  But we still worked on things like re-ordering her paragraphs and picking out ideas that needed more explaining (after I asked stuff like "is this a concept that someone in your field would understand without much explaining from you?").  I was immensely satisfied with that session.

My other APA paper was a woman that came in wanting help with citations.  This was alarming to me because I have only ever written one paper with APA and I'm reasonably sure I did it wrong.  So I went and grabbed the style manual and set to work figuring out how to cite a quote she found in one of her sources that was from another source.  I told her the best and least complicated thing to do would be to find the original source, but she sort of ignored me when I said that.  So we figured out how to do it, and she went away happy.

Basically, I'm pretty satisfied with this week.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Dory.

    You certainly had a mixed bag of consultations for your first week! It sounds like it went pretty well!

    In the case of your ESL session, I would encourage you to ask the student what he would like to focus on when you've figured that there's two potential major items to focus on (grammar and expansion). You could say something like, "Hey, it seems like we've covered quite a few sentence-level issues, but you mentioned earlier that you need to expand your essay. Which one of these items are you the most concerned about?" Then, it's up to the writer to decide, and while he'll leave the session not accomplishing everything that both of you wanted to, he'll at least leave knowing about both issues. But, it's up to him to prioritize. Of course, this is also a great time to (gently) suggest to the writer that he could come in earlier with his assignments, you could get through both issues. Always think ahead, and encourage them to do the same!

    Can't wait to hear how next week goes!

